Free browser extension

The free browser extension from Link Advisor evaluates and groups open tabs based on their reputation.

Each group is labeled to indicate its reputation, such as government, finance, popular, business, foundation, general, or dangerous.

Each tab has a button that, when pressed, displays the key data of the website.

This way you always know if a website is trustworthy.


Information & Advice

By following the free modules in the knowledge base, you will learn everything about how to protect yourself against fraud and scams.

Are you a victim of fraud or scam?

Have you discovered unexpected large amounts disappearing from your account due to fraud, or unauthorized access to your financial or personal data? Realizing you're a victim of scam or fraud can be overwhelming and discouraging. However, it's important to remember you're not alone. There are steps you can take to address your situation and mitigate future risks.

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